WPPlugins AtoZ

Powered by WPPro AtoZ Host

Donate Your Time to AtoZ Plugins Show!

Interested in donating some Time to our show?


Number 1 way: Tell Everyone About Us!!!!

Tell Everyone about us wherever you find yourself!
This could be FB, Twitter, YouTube, Family get-togethers, D&D Night….
Get on out there to round them up for us, than rope ’em all in to come and listen to and be part of the show!
Then belly up to the bar and enjoy with your catch of the day while we do our best to bring you the latest and greatest of plugins and news with a laugh!

Number 2 way: Show up to our Live Show!

We’re here just about every Monday at 12:30 PM PDT. Unfortunately sometimes life jumps in the way, or sometimes the AI won’t let us do our show…
If you show up by 12:15 AM PDT to catch our pre-stream I can almost guarantee that you will be entertained!!
Really quite entertaining most days as we fiddle with the dials and knobs to chase away the gremlins that have moved in since the week before…

Number 3 way: Send us in plugin suggestions or reviews for the show!

Do you love a plugin? Do you hate a plugin? Did you MAKE a plugin that you want to get out into the world?!?

Whatever it is, send it on into us and we will give it a real, unbiased review!

To submit a plugin for review you can go to our ‘Submit a Plugin‘ page!

Other Time Donation Options:

Book an Interview with us!

Let us interview You! You can get your work out if you’re a plugin developer, or you can offer up some advice is you’re an old hand – or anything that is WordPress related!

If you’re interested, head on over to our ‘Let us Interview You‘ page and set it up!

Be a Guest Host!

This is open to ALL LISTENERS!! If you are interested in joining us as a Guest Host on a show, you can head on over to our ‘Be a Guest Host‘ page and set it all up!

Something we haven’t thought about….

Is there something that you think should be a possibility for adding in Time Donation? Reach out to us and let us know!

Reach out to us at:

John: john@wppro.ca
Amber: amber@wppro.ca

(Email is the best way to get ahold of us rather than FB or Twitter or anything like that.)

Book an Interview on WPPluginsAtoZ

If Your a Plugin/Theme Developer or WP Community Member

Book your interview now.