WPPlugins AtoZ

Powered by WPPro AtoZ Host

Submit Your Plugin and Appear on a Show

Things are looking up here at WPPlugins A to Z and more and more developers are looking to spread the word about their plugins. If you are one of them and would like to have us  review it, please use the form below to submit the plugin.

Plugin Developer Submission

If you are a plugin developer and would like to have us review your plugin on our show please fill out the submission form below and please include a copy of the plugin as well as proper links to any information about where visitors can get the plugin, or support info on it. If your plugin is a premium one and requires a key please provide that also.
Thank You
John Overall
WPPlugins A to Z

About You

Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
Your company or personal website.

Tell us about your plugin

Please give us a good description of your plugin. and if it is free or freemium or premium. Where it can be found and any other details you think are important.
Please tell us where we should direct listeners to purchase/download your plugin. Is it on your website, Github, WordPress repo ect.
Please give us a good description of your plugin.
Please provide us with a current copy in .zip format of the plugin especially if it is a premium plugin.
Accepted file types: zip, Max. file size: 888 MB.
If a premium plugin and requires a key please provide here.
Please draw us a picture or a simple X
Clear Signature
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Appear on a Show

If you are a plugin developer who would like to spread the word and appear in the interview show or segment of the podcast please book a time with John for an interview https://wppluginsatoz.com/book-an-interview-on-wp-plugins-a-to-z-podcast/ and remember to submit your plugin above.

Book an Interview on WPPluginsAtoZ

If Your a Plugin/Theme Developer or WP Community Member

Book your interview now.